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maandag 15 april 2013

Cookie Stamp.

I always wanted a cookie stamp. But I found them a little expensive for the times I would use it. It's not that I am baking making cookies every week...
So I tried to make my own DIY version. Hope you like it!

What you'll need
- A craft foam sheet
- foam letters - For Belgium & The Netherlands: I found mine at Hema
   - But you can also make them yourself using the foam sheet! -
- some glue

extra: a good cookie recipe


Step by step
1) Decide what sentence you want to appear on your cookie and look for the letters.
   TIP: You can make the letters smaller by cutting them with scissors!
2) Cut out a square out of the foam sheet
3) To give the stamp enough relief I used two layers of letters
4) Paste them together
5) Glue them onto the square but TAKE NOTICE the letters are mirrored (!)
6) Prepare a great cookie recipe. I used one from Dagelijkse Kost  
7) Stamp them!
8) Bake and enjoy them! 

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